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Meet celeriac! This lesser-known cousin of celery has an odd knobby exterior, is about the size of a baseball, has a crisp texture, a mild celery like flavor, and a delicate sweetness. Our recipe for Roasted Celeriac is easy to prepare, and delicious! Once roasted the natural sugars caramelize, enhancing the sweetness of this mysterious root vegetable. Roasted Celeriac is terrific addition to any meal and a wonderful way to get to know this vegetable!


  • 1 pound of celeriac– about 2 medium size bulbs
  • 2 Tbsp. olive oil
  • Pinch of salt, to taste
  • Pinch of black pepper, to taste
  • Parsley, fresh chopped (optional)
Main Ingredient(s): Celeriac


  • Pre-heat oven to 400°F.
  • Wash and peel celeriac. Using a sharp chefs knife cut celeriac into planks and cut planks into strips about 1/2 inch wide and 1/2 width and length of 2 inches. The cut will resemble a medium french fry cut.
  • Toss celeriac with olive oil, salt, pepper and parsley (optional) to coat.
  • Place celeriac on baking sheet, spread evenly in a single layer, and put in preheated oven.
  • Bake for 15– 20 minutes, until celeriac is tender and browned.
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Published On: September 30, 2022