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Spaghetti squash is a fun alternative to traditional pasta dishes. You can add any of your favorite meat or vegetarian pasta sauces! To make this recipe even easier, you can cook the squash whole! Use a sharp paring knife to pierce the skin a few times all around, bake at 375F for about 60 minutes or you can microwave it for 10-15 minute (Just be sure to remove the seeds before eating!)


  • 1 Spaghetti Squash
  • 1 Tbsp Oil
  • 1 Garlic clove, minced
  • 1 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
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  • Salt and black pepper, to taste
Main Ingredient(s): Spaghetti Squash


  • Pre-heat the oven to 400°F. Put squash on a cookie sheet and bake whole until soft, about 45 – 60 minutes. Remove from oven and set aside. Once cool cut squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Pull a fork through the squash to separate into long strands. Cover and keep warm.
  • In a large frying pan, heat oil over medium heat. Add the garlic, cook 2 minutes, stirring often.
  • Add the squash to the pan. Cook until the squash is hot. Add the cheese, salt and pepper.
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VT Fresh is funded in part by the USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. In Vermont, SNAP is called 3SquaresVT. It can help low income people buy foods for a better diet. To find out more, contact the Vermont Foodbank toll-free at 855-855-6181.

Published On: June 25, 2020