Training and Events For Network Partners
Vermont Foodbank offers courses and trainings for network partners to assist you in serving the needs of your communities. Please see the listings below for details on our offerings and registration materials.

The Vermont Foodbank strives to offer courses and trainings for network partners that are pertinent to their work. If your organization has a topic of interest that would build your capacity or strengthen your ability to serve your customers, and if you have at least 5 staff, volunteers, board members, or community members who would participate, please contact Amy Davidson at to see if the Foodbank could create a workshop or training just right for you.
Please note, classes that are offered as a webinar or online, require access to a phone line and a high speed (DSL or faster) internet connection.
Orientation and Online Ordering Workshop
This workshop is offered on the second Wednesday of each month from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. via Zoom.
New network partner agencies are required to attend a Foodbank Orientation. The orientations are also open to new staff, volunteers or board members of existing network partner agencies; folks just needing a refresher are most welcome to attend. The online ordering training covers the basics of placing your Foodbank orders and answers questions on allocated orders, scheduler, submitting cart, and editing orders. You may attend just the online ordering portion if you like. Orientation starts at 9:30 a.m., online ordering at 11:00 a.m.
Food Safety Training
To operate a successful food shelf/pantry or meal site, food safety must be a top priority. Vermont Foodbank Network Partners are required to maintain food safety training certification tailored to the type of programs and services offered. When trained representatives leave the organization, or the certification expires, food safety training must be renewed or completed by new staff or volunteer leaders as soon as possible.
Food Shelf/Pantry Partners
At least one representative from each network partner agency must complete the ServSafe Food Handler Guide for Food Banking, or equivalent training, and pass the exam associated with the course. It is recommended that the staff members or volunteers that hold the primary responsibility of managing the pantry receive the training; the Foodbank will cover the cost of training for two such people using a single course access code. When trained representatives leaves the organization, or the certification expires, food safety training must be renewed or completed by new staff or volunteer leaders as soon as possible. Additional course access can be purchased through the Foodbank at a cost of $10 per person. The ServSafe Food Handler Guide for Food Banking certification is valid for 5 years.
ServSafe Food Handler Guide for Foodbanking is an online self-led training that covers the basics of food shelf food safety. This training satisfies the food safety requirement for network partner agencies that distribute food, but do not prepare, cook and serve food. If you also operate a meal site, please see the Meal Site Partners training below.
Meal Site Partners
Meal site partners interested in obtaining ServSafe certification should contact Caleb Sugarman at or McKayla Baker at for more information.